Sunday, December 5, 2010

What's going to happen to me

What's going to happen to me. A year ago my family left me. I'm in foster care of a major lending company from another state, and I'm only a number. Before, I was loved and had a purpose in Oklahoma. I provided a comfortable environment to a family that I belonged to. We spent Christmas together and had many good times. Although we went through some bad times, I never thought they would leave me. I know they didn't want me to end up this way, but for what ever reason here I am. I'm all alone. I know I'm not the only foreclosure. We are all over the country. There is probably one of us in your neighborhood.
Bugs and other insects are picking on me. My paint is pealing, and my roof is withering away. If there was just a little love inside me, I would be alright. But as it's going, I will be flat on the ground someday and only pose a danger to some innocent child or become a fire hazard. At least they could clean me up and leave a nice lot. Maybe put up a gazebo in my memory.
Sure, a lot of families want to adopt me because I'm cheep. But once they see me and find out how much it would cost to support me, they walk away never to return. No one will loan them the money that I need to keep me alive.
I can only hope that some investor see the potential that lies within me, and makes an offer on me. I hope they have the patience to deal with my foster lender and won't expect to get me overnight. I hope they have the ability to see that I can be resuscitated and brought back to life. Then maybe I can start all over with a new family. They can hang lights on me at Christmas and cook sweet smelling foods that will breath life into me again.

Foreclosures are a serious problem in our country. Putting myself in the foreclosure's place was painful for me. I didn't write this to offend anyone, but only to bring awareness so that maybe someone out there may come up with an idea to help one of the many properties that Realtors get asked about.
I would like to see investors starting companies to buy and refurbish these homes up.  This could make them money as well as offer more affordable homes to buyers who don't qualify to buy foreclosures, but can't afford new homes. It would offer jobs to contractors and others in the area.  It would pump money  int the supply companies and strengthen the economy while making money for their firm.  They could offer 1 year warranties just like a new home.
Call me optimistic, a dreamer, or anything else you want to.  But don't call me to buy a foreclosure unless you know what your getting into.

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